Friday, November 12, 2010

Lorenzo Romano Amedeo Carlo Bernadette Avogadro di Quaregna e Cerreto

Lorenzo Romano Amedeo Carlo Bernadette Avogadro di Quaregna e Cerreto

No jokes!

Hello everyone, this is Melissa from the Smarticle Particles. I hope you enjoyed the above photo of that dashing and handsome man!

Just for the ease of typing, we are going to call him Avogadro for the duration of this entry. Anyways, this was his hypothesis...

- Equal volumes of different gases will have the same number of particles as long as they have the same temperature, and pressure.
- If they have the same number of particles, then the mass ratio is due to the mass of particles.

(Use this hypothesis for the relative masses of all atoms on the periodic table!)

Let us introduce you to the following 4 types of masses. You are going to have to know these by heart.

The mass of 1 atom of an element in Atomic Mass Units (AMUs).
Ex/ Fluorine = 19.0 AMUs

All atoms of a formula of any ionic compound. So basically the masses of all the elements in a compound added together.
Ex/ Potassium fluoride.
39.1 + 19.0 = 58.1 amu

Basically the same as formula mass EXCEPT it is regarding covalent compounds. YA DIG? So just simply add all of the masses of the elements in the compound. I know it sounds confuzzling, but it's really not that bad after The Smarticle Particles explain it to you.
Ex/ Carbon monoxide
12.0 + 16.0 = 28.0amu

So um yeah, chemistry just gave us another confusing term that really isn't that complicated. It's essentially ANY atomic/molecular/formula mass, added and garnished with a g/mol.
Ex/ 1 mole chlorine = 35.5g/mol
1 mole fluorine = 19.0g/mol
....YA DIG?

Okay. This number is really big. Like. You won't even know it until you see it. We. Mean. BIG.


This number also happens to be the number of particles in 1 mole of any substance.

6.022x10²³ particles/mol

This number allows for atoms and molecules to be counted!

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