Monday, September 27, 2010

We're Missing Monday Night Football =.=

Instead of dreading over the fact that you are missing Monday Night Football because of chem, let's imagine that you're actually at the stadium watching Jay Cutler and Rodgers duke it out. Now, although you know Cutler will probably mess it up, just imagine his stance before he throws the ball. His arm is up high behind his head, sweat trickling down his forehead, and BAM, he throws it in the air to have someone other than a receiver receive the ball.
Recall the three types of matter you learnt about in previous grades. Try and point out all three, using the given scenario.

Answer: The ball is a solid, the sweat trickling down his forehead is a liquid, and the air is obviously a gas.
Now wouldn't it be cool to actually go inside the ball? I think so. When inside, you see that the particles are so tightly packed that you can hardly move and you start to suffocate! You quickly move on to the liquid, his sweat. The particles are less tightly packed here, meaning that a liquid would take the shape of the container its in. Lastly, you pay attention to the air around you. You reach out and swipe at it. WOW. Magically, your hand goes through the air!  The particles in the air are spread really far apart and are always moving. Gases also take the shape of the conatiner they're in.

NOW. I bet all of you ask this question daily because it is just so darn interesting.
Well my friends, matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. It is neither created nor destroyed, only changed from one form to another.

Matter is composed of Pure substances and Mixtures. Pure substances have one set of properties and one kind of particle. Mixtures are quite the opposite. They have more than one set of properties and substances and they are physically combined.
To make it even more difficult for students with low brain capacities and low attention spans, Pure Substances are composed of Elements and Compounds! Elements are the simplest form, meaning they cannot be decomposed and they are made of metal, non metal, and metalloid atoms. Compounds on the other hand are made of elements, they are chemically combined, and the smallest particles is an ionic or covalent molecule.

Well even though we're pretty sure we lost you, we're going to continue anyways...because we're cool kids.
WELL THEN. Mixtures are composed of two groups as well. Homogeneous and Heterogeneous. Homogeneous are uniform throughout and appear to have only one component. Heterogeneuous are not uniform and appear to have more than one component.


The last topic we are going to cover is Physical and Chemical Change.
Physical Change is when no new substance is formed and chamical composition does not change. Physical Change is reversible.
For example: Melting ice. You can un-melt ice meaning it is
Chemical Change is when no new substance is produced. Chemical Change is irreversible.
For Example: Cooking a steak. You cannot uncook a steak. You can try to, by putting it in the freezer or chopping off all the seemingly cooked bits and feeding them to your dog but NO. I am sorry to say you cannot un cook something that has been cooked. Therefore it is irreversible.

THANK YOU. We love you. We really do.

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