Monday, October 25, 2010

Read on for the Scariest and most FREAKY story you have ever heard. It is called....THE NAMING OF ACIDS.

Well, right now, I bet you're thinking to yourself, WOW how is she EVER going to make naming acids even remotely scary?
Well my friends..............I am having that exact problem right now. But, I will try. Feel free to add in any shrieks and hollers for EMPHASIS...a.k.a making me feel better. ALL RIGHT let's get started
*puts flashlight to face*

It was a dark grey spookey night. _______ (insert your name here) was wandering through the woods ALONE at night on halloween. (You aren't that smart I guess)

Every step you take leads you closer to the dangers that lie ahead. You ignore the noises you hear from the bushes beside you..thinking it is just the wind, BUT soon enough you realize, THERE IS NO WIND.
You whip around looking everywhere to see who is the source of the noise, then suddenly, a man POPS OUT OF THE BUSHES.
He has the word "Acid" printed across his shirt.

"Who are you?" you say trembling.
"NOOOOO" you scream. "Is there any way I can convince you not to burn me?"
"Well, there is ONE way, but NO ONE has completed this task before. All you have to do, is explain to me the different ways of naming SIMPLE and COMPLEX acids. Then I will let you free. You see, no one knows how to name me nowadays." he says.
"I will take that challenge" You reply, remembering that you have learned this lesson already in chemistry class.

So, those who do not know how to name acids will get burned. For those of you that do, GOOD JOB, you are free to go : D

Okay fine, I'll help you guys out, after all, we need people to continue reading our blog, we can't just let acid man burn all of you. pshht.

An acid is a covalent bond that is formed by a hydrogen ion and a negatively charged ion dissolved in water. The ions separate when they are dissolved in water.

Chemical formulas for acids, start with the letter H which stands for? No its not habanera, harmonometer, or hygeiolatry (if you guys even know what those mean..I do..hehe). Well the letter H stands for Hydrogen in the formula.

First, let's start by naming simple acids.
These always start using the prefix: hydro
But after hydro, you need the name of the negatively charged ion. You can't have something like hydrobiological and say its an acid.

Examples of simple acids are:

Now, to name these, the negatively charged ions need to end using "ic" then write acid after this. Soo...
HBr = Hydrobromic acid
HS = Hydrosulphuric acid
HF = Hydrofluoric acid
Simple enough?

Now we're moving on to the complex acids. This is where it starts getting tricky.
If the polyatomic anion ends in "ate" you need to change the end to "ic"
If the polyatomic anion ends in "ite" you need to change the end to "ous"

An EASY was to remember this is to say in your head:
I "ate" "ic" and got "ite" "ous"
orr what we learned in ms chen's class
I "ate" "ic"-y sushi and got appendic "ite" "ous"
Oh wait, they're basically the same...but one's longer. Oh well.

Some examples of complex acids are:

Now to name these, instead of starting with hydro, you need to start with the name of the polyatomic anion with the new ending then write acid after it. SO:
HNO3 = Nitric Acid
HNO2 = Nitrous Acid
HCH3COO = Acetic Acid

The only exception to these rules is the acid HCN. This is a simple acid so it is named hydrocyanic acid.


Well, my fingers are tired now, so basically you know what happens next in the story. You tell acid man and he lets you free then you live happily ever after yada yada yada.

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